Shady Harbor Middle School



All SHMS students are expected to demonstrate pride in and loyalty to the school through their behavior. They are expected to treat other students and staff members with courtesy and respect. Therefore, students should be cognizant of their actions and manner of speech while on campus and at school-sponsored events that may occur off-campus. Profanity is absolutely prohibited. All school rules and Chapter 19 policy shall be in effect at all school activities both on and off campus. Students will adhere to all instructions and/or directions from school personnel. Official school personnel always wear an ID badge.


Fire and emergency drills are held periodically. The alarm may be given by the fire bell or by an announcement over the CCTV system. A school emergency is indicated by a continuous ring of the school bell. This alarm is used for any urgent or dangerous situation that might occur on campus. All students will be instructed to their locations and procedures during the drill or emergency. Students are to move quietly, quickly and in an orderly manner to their designated areas. Loitering, unnecessary talking, and rowdiness will not be permitted. One long bell ring will represent the all-clear signal to return to normal classroom instruction.


Homework is an integral part of a student's education. It is an extension of the formal instruction to help reinforce the student's learning. Homework shall be considered within the framework of the needs of the individual student in meeting program or course objectives. The ultimate aim in the accomplishment of homework shall be the student's acceptance of the responsibility for independent work outside the formal classroom. Students who miss classes are responsible for requesting and completing make-up work within the appropriate time period.


SMARTS: Tutoring is available on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6pm - 8pm in the Library. All students attending SMARTS must bring their current SHMS Student ID card. The Homework Center: The Homework Center provides an opportunity for Leilehua students to get homework assistance right after school. Open daily, except for Wednesday, the Center's hours are from 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Students will find a math teacher and a humanities teacher to help them with the core subjects.


Students should have proper regard for school property. Destruction, defacing or theft will not be tolerated. Offenders will be subject to disciplinary action and will be made to pay for any damage or loss. In addition, each student should do his/her part in keeping our campus and buildings (including bathrooms) clean. All trash should be thrown into proper containers. Walls should be kept clean of graffiti.